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02 Sep. 2022 von lbidhps

Dr. Olena Litvinova extends her research stay

Thanks to a special fund from the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft, we are able to extend the stay of our visiting researcher from Ukraine, Dr. Olena Litvinova. Already in the first months Dr. Litvinova published a paper on the patent landscape of digital pills with a team around Principal Investigator Dr. Atanas Atanasov.

Litvinova O, Klager E, Tzvetkov NT, Kimberger O, Kletecka-Pulker M, Willschke H, Atanasov AG. Digital pills with ingestible sensors: Analysis of the patent landscape. Pharmaceuticals. 2022; 15(8):1025. https://doi.org/10.3390/ph15081025

A second paper is currently in the review process and new ideas and projects await Dr. Olena Litvinova for her extended stay until December 2022.

Once again, a big thank you to LBG for this great opportunity for Dr. Litvinova and our LBI.

Link to publication
a. Dr. Olena Litvinova